
Democrat Goes To Court And Wastes $220,000 Of Taxpayer Money – Why Are We Paying This?

It’s not surprising at all that liberals want to waste your money. It’s usually the reason they run for office.

It’s this particular reason that has me peeved. I’m certain it will do the same for you.

Let’s face it – the usual reasons that liberals waste your money are at least honorable in theory -right?

Social programs? Sure, they never work, and they’re a huge waste of taxpayer funds. But at least they pretend to try to help the poor.

Grants for elitist liberal universities that shun free speech? Sure, they do nothing but indoctrinate young people, but at least it looks like an attempt to boost education.

Payouts for the victims of brutal sexual harassment from Democratic congressman? Sure, it protects power-hungry arrogant liberals from being found out by angry taxpayers, but at least it attempts to protect power-hungry arrogant liberals from being found out by angry taxpayers.

Wait…that last one doesn’t make any sense. That’s just bad all around.

Too bad it’s true.

The Daily Caller reports:

American taxpayers shelled out $220,000 to settle sexual harassment accusations against Democratic Florida Rep. Alcee Hastings.

The Office of Compliance approved the settlement in 2014 after Winsome Packer, a former congressional staffer, accused the Democratic congressman of making sexual advances, touching her and threatening her job.

Packer [said] she was “blackballed” after the incident.

“As an immigrant who came here with all these ideals, it is like someone just removed all the foundations that I stood on in this country for all these years.” Packer was born in Jamaica.

Democrats use taxpayer money to settle sexual harassment lawsuits. Not to help the poor, or improve education, or fix infrastructure. Democrats use taxpayer money to settle sexual harassment lawsuits.

Read it again, if you must.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise. Even Al Franken, who resigned after his misconduct surfaced, barely apologized. Instead, he gave a vague and idiotic statement about being a good person, and threw in an ‘I know who I am’ in the middle of it.

Newsflash, Mr. Franken – you are what you do when no one is watching. Ergo, you’re a predator. Plain and simple.

Hastings, though, is a predator trying to hide. Those guys are much more dangerous.

Thank God there’s brave women around to report them. And their efforts would be lost if there weren’t brave conservatives around to kick these bastards out of office.

Make a phone call. Hastings needs to go.

Source: Daily Caller

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