Every day we learn about new threats to our way of life.
North Korea and Iran daily make boasts against the United States. In many ways, the only thing separating the West from total war is our military might.
Yet we are learning that one nation—a nation we don’t entirely trust—knows far too much about our military.
Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson spoke recently about the need to protect American military advantages, but appears unconcerned by Chinese spying on naval exercises.
Adm. Richardson said the ability of the U.S. military to deter conventional conflict is eroding as the result of foreign nations’ advances in intelligence-gathering and command and control of their forces.
“The trends here are really alarming, staggering,” he told a conference the Center for Strategic and International Studies on countering coercion in Asian seas…
…China in the past has abused its participation in the exercises by sending intelligence-gathering ships to spy and learn what it can about sensitive U.S. and allied naval maneuver warfare capabilities it may encounter in the future.
This can lead to foreign nations manipulating our data collection systems—into making us believe things are happening that aren’t. This can lead to serious problems in the way we conduct military operations.
This also means that China knows far more about our capabilities than they should. Although we have worked with Big Red in the past, they cannot be called a true ally. U.S. forces are cautious about China and their ultimate motives.
There could come a time when China uses its military and knowledge against us. Should that happen, we would be at a disadvantage, considering how much they know about our operations.
But what do we know about theirs? China, like other nations in the East, are incredible secretive. While we do conduct business with the nation, their government and military operations aren’t as open as those in the West. Should conflict arise, we would surely be at a disadvantage.
As the Far East continues to grow in military and economic strength, the U.S. needs to stay smart. While we have allies we’ve sworn to protect in the Pacific, we cannot allow our operations and strategies to fall into the wrong hands.
Secrecy is the most important issue. Yet in our digital age, secrecy might be the hardest thing to protect.
Source: The Washington Times