The giant, partisan Democratic witch hunt that has swallowed Trump’s administration is distracting from some very important issues – and, as it...
All the talk, Fake News, and hype around Russian spying and hacking has obscured one very important thing – sometimes, your real...
Only now are the American people discovering just how dishonest the Obama administration was. They would stoop to the lowest depths to...
Every day we learn about new threats to our way of life. North Korea and Iran daily make boasts against the United...
The ‘it was Russian hackers’ story may finally disappear – not just because there’s no evidence, but because a real, bona fide...
In recent days, we’ve learned about how President Obama violated the law to spy on Donald Trump. Even worse, Obama’s cronies exposed...
We knew that the democrats hated Trump and sought to destroy him. We just never knew the kind of depths they’d go...
Coward and Hillary Clinton stooge (and director of the FBI) James Comey gave a speech at Boston college yesterday. And there he...
We live in an increasingly-connected world. In this day and age, it’s not that strange for many of your home appliances to...