Nearly all the news surrounding Russia, Trump, and everything and everyone in between is Fake – lies, distortions, and purposeful misunderstandings of...
In a fairly stunning turn of events, the State Department is saying to the world, ‘Russia didn’t do it.’ It’s not something...
After seeing the amount of holes that have been blown in the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory, it’s a wonder that anyone would bother...
As it turns out, at least one part of the giant lie, or the idiot ‘Trump worked with Russia!’ liberal theory of...
Here’s an old story – the Clintons are corrupt. And another one – Obama’s lackeys controlled the FBI. It frustrated conservatives, but...
Any good soldier will tell you the same thing: the best way to make a stand against incoming troops is to get...
It’s been all over the news – Donald Trump is getting ready to back out of the Iran Deal. It should, by...
Mark Zuckerberg isn’t quite as in control of Facebook as he’d like you to think. The social network’s popularity has put more...
If there’s been one major hindrance to Donald Trump doing his job, it’s Robert Mueller, and the scores of liberal idiot-minions that...
Everyone called W. Bush an idiot. Except, perhaps, the smartest man in American comedy – conservative Dennis Miller. Miller saw one thing...