We elected President Trump just at the right time.
Thanks to the reckless and irresponsible leadership of Barack Obama, social justice and feminist activists were given a national platform like never before.
I don’t know if it’s just because the LGBT community is out of things to protest about, or they truly believe this nonsense.
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But either way, thanks to Obama, the vast majority of sane Americans have been forced to put up with the pure stupidity of transgenderism, 50+ genders, and a plethora of other terrible lies.
But it’s more than just making Target bathrooms transgender; these vile manipulators want to warp the minds of our children, so they grow up believing this toxic garbage.
It’s high time we declared we’ve had enough.
From Townhall:
A teenage boy was told by his principal that he had to “tolerate” undressing in front of a female student and to make it as “natural” as possible, according to a blockbuster lawsuit filed in a Pennsylvania federal district court.
“No school should rob any student of this legally protected personal privacy,” ILC attorney Randall Wenger said.
“We trust that our children won’t be forced into emotionally vulnerable situations like this when they are in the care of our schools because it’s a school’s duty to protect and respect the bodily privacy and dignity of all students.”
This sick and twisted principal and others in the school wanted to force their ideology on teenagers, who are by nature at a sensitive stage.
So the entire class of actual boys was made incredibly uncomfortable and put in a dangerous position (i.e.: getting naked in front of a naked girl), just so this stupid principal could virtue signal to the world.
They were willing to violate the safety of this girl and all the other students, just so they could indulge in this child’s gender dysmorphia — a mental disease.
This is what we’re dealing with in this day and age. Our natural born rights as Americans are being violated by hacks who want to push their twisted causes.
Enough is enough. We cannot allow this kind of thing to continue. For the safety of our families. For the safety of our future.
Source: Townhall
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