Donald Trump finally got to keep a campaign promise by using the words, “you’re fired!”
It’s about time, too. Because this guy is a true jackass.
The VA is full of corruption, grift, and so poorly run that waiting rooms can be hazardous to your health. We’ve reported on the sorry state of the office for some time now – Obama’s poor business skills, and general hatred of American values and the American military, kept away much needed reforms.
Trump promised to Drain the Swamp, though, and it was only a matter of time before he got to the Office of Veterans’ Affairs.
This week, he finally did. And the first man fired really, really deserved it.
The Conservative Tribune reports:
A Department of Veterans Affairs medical center director previously accused of bullying, intimidation, discrimination, harassment and retaliation has finally been removed from his post.
Former director Toby Mathew of the Overton Brooks VA Medical Center in Shreveport, Louisiana, was removed “effective April 13, 2017, based on charges related to general misconduct, and failure to follow policy and provide effective oversight.”
That was a nice way of putting it, though according to complaints obtained by local station KTBS, Mathew’s behavior had extended way beyond just “general misconduct.”
Indeed, it is a nice way of putting it. Because one look at the list of complaints against Mathew, and you’d think Hillary Clinton had reincarnated herself as a VA employee.
Mathew…berated a Marine combat veteran with severe post-traumatic stress disorder for accidentally introducing him with the wrong title. …the incident reactivated the veteran’s symptoms, causing him to have to quit…
“…directly impacted patient care and impeded access to care on a near-daily basis…”
…sabotaged his employees’ career paths in retaliation for them not following orders deemed unethical…
And so on. But the best summary by far is one obtained by the Daily Caller:
“This man displays ALL the signs and symptoms of someone suffering from extreme, malignant narcissism.”
Let’s be clear, too – this man was removed because of Donald Trump. It’s common for liberals to claim that Trump victories are really Obama victories, just delayed a little bit.
But this man was not going to be fired, not until Trump signed an executive order, the Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection. It was meant specifically for VA corruption, and it’s finally doing its work.
Because, unfortunately, while Mathew is fired from his post, he still works for the VA. He’s just an underling now. Completely firing a federal employee is not as easy as you’d think.
But Trump is on the right track.
Source: Conservative Tribune