If you’ve been watching the Mainstream Media – and shame if you have – you probably think you understand the president’s policies...
Any good soldier will tell you the same thing: the best way to make a stand against incoming troops is to get...
There remain a ton of unanswered questions about the Las Vegas massacre. Based on what we know now, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock was...
We all knew that the debate over gun control would ratchet up in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre, but that...
What would you do, if you were faced with a violent attacker? How would you act, in a moment of danger? That’s...
ISIS must be destroyed. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The last time I said this, we reported on...
While ISIS continues to be a threat around the world, an old enemy is rearing its ugly head. Even though the United...
ISIS is, in today’s really unsettling news, way more technologically sophisticated than you could have imagined. And the weapons that they’re making...