The average political news cycle is dominated by identity politics and the latest batch of gossip emanating from the nation’s capital. Despite...
President Donald Trump has made it crystal clear that the federal immigration laws that are on the books will be enforced under...
Democrats lie. They lie about Russia, about Trump’s words, and about his supporters. It’s how they stay in office. But the really...
All up and down the campaign trail, President Donald Trump pledged that he would see to it that a border wall would...
The White House has to deal with all kinds of nonsense. While that’s true for every presidential administration, it’s especially true now...
As staunch immigration advocates see it, everyone should be welcomed to America with open arms without much concern given to how they...
President Donald Trump was elected to office for some incredibly simple reasons that the anti-Trump forces can’t wrap their heads around. There...
The staunchest immigration advocates out there essentially want open borders for all. When pressed for their reasoning, there’s typically not much substance...
The hardest part of Trump’s administration is this: fixing the mistakes that Obama made. And this last one might be too big...
Right after the election, Democrats and DC libs made a big, screaming show of the fact that they were going to obstruct...