For years North Korea has threatened the United States and our allies. They have promised to attack us, plunging the world into...
The easiest way to get a thug to back off is to simply not back down yourself. Bullies don’t seek out strong...
The war in Syria continues to rage. The use of chemical weapons on Syrian people has been widely reported. Yet they seem...
For many residents of Guam, Tuesday night was going to be the last night of their lives. The evidence was clear –...
By: Christopher Cummings North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has a very bad habit of doing one particular thing that should worry...
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has a very bad habit of doing one particular thing that should worry Americans everywhere –...
The threat of a North Korean nuclear attack is Trump’s biggest test of leadership yet – but another country might actually end...
It seems that Donald Trump isn’t the only American politician with a fantastic Twitter feed. The usual stereotype is this: Trump, the...
President Trump has known for years that the United States will probably be fighting China soon. He’s seen the signs in the...
President Donald Trump is a man of his word. Since taking office, we’ve seen him make good on many of his campaign...