At any moment, you’re loved ones could be put into danger. This is true, even when they are safe at home. What...
Most citizens cannot imagine the horror of losing a loved one. The pain that grips a family will last the rest of...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! We’ve heard just about everything from the radical left. But this officially takes the...
I’m going to take a wild guess and say you believe the Second Amendment is one of the most important guarantees in...
The brave men and women that serve on our police forces face challenges every day. They regularly deal with the kinds of...
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We all know Hillary Clinton is corrupt. It’s no secret, no matter how weak...
The liberal media love to distort issues. That seems to be their best talent these days. When it comes to the ongoing...
Some of the most impressive assets Donald Trump had during his campaign were his children. The media could spew as much hate...