While the left — and paid protesters — panicked and fought over the President’s executive order temporarily barring immigrants from terrorist nations...
It’s a sad reality that in this day and age, politics have poisoned so many aspects of our society. Especially since the...
The left has tried to ignore the reality of the chaos in the Middle East. The rise of ISIS led to the...
Despite secular humanists’ assertion of separation between church and state, faith will always be a major part of our culture and society....
There is a stark double standard when it comes to reporting on race. The liberal media have made it their job to...
Come on. Do any of us really believe that a temporary ban on immigrants from dangerous nations is bad thing? Don’t believe...
The left — and their cohorts in the liberal media — love to confuse a situation in order to deceive you. Instead...
There is a lot of hypocrisy going around on the left these days. Because of their epic loss in last year’s election,...
Make no mistake: the political left is un-American and in open defiance to our laws and government. They helped fund and spearhead...
President Trump’s executive order barring all immigrants from seven terrorist-linked countries is a necessary step in ensuring America’s safety. Make no mistake,...