It’s not every day that someone tells you you’re terrible at your job. And for most of us, those days are few,...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! The mainstream media would have Americans believe that the KKK, White Supremacists, and Neo-Nazis...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! President Trump faced unrelenting criticism of his statements about the violence that occurred in...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! Liberals want to help the entire world. It’s a nice thought, but it’s not...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! Liberals want to help the entire world. It’s a nice thought, but it’s not...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! We all know that while Barack Obama was president he would have given illegal...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! Liberals suffered a huge blow today as the Supreme Court temporarily reinstated the majority...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! Liberal California has been led to the brink of disaster by Gov. Moonbeam Jerry...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! Gov. Jerry Brown is in the conservative black book. He calls California taxpayers freeloaders...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! We’ve heard just about everything from the radical left. But this officially takes the...