Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense. Scratch that. Almost every time, the best defense is a good offense. Take a...
The common theme during the election was this: ‘Trump is offensive and wrong! Wait, maybe the Media just didn’t represent him well!...
It’s almost a miracle that Donald Trump became the President of the United States. Not because he had a hard time winning...
For years Americans had to deal with leaders who were more concerned with their image than with their ability to actually lead...
John McCain has betrayed Donald Trump before. And it’s likely he’ll do it again. But even he is finally admitting something the...
With regard to Obama’s wiretaps, and Trump’s full knowledge of those wiretaps, there’s only one thing to say: the proverbial sh*t is...
In this intense news and political environment, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. So it’s nice to step back from time to time...