Nearly all the news surrounding Russia, Trump, and everything and everyone in between is Fake – lies, distortions, and purposeful misunderstandings of...
One of the more fascinating subplots of the era of President Donald Trump has been how he’s covered by the mainstream press....
The mainstream press has gone completely off the rails a countless number of times since President Donald Trump took office, but journalistic...
When United States service members are killed in the line of duty, citizens want answers as to what went wrong. It’s a...
The story that ‘Russia elected Trump’ was such a successful bit of Fake News that it earned its own investigative committee. And...
Today we rarely hear good news about the brave men and women who protect our cities. Police officers put their lives on...
From the very beginning of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, his rivals used all kinds of attacks against him. Often they try to...
Sebastian Gorka, Trump’s deputy assistant, has been on a roll lately. As deputy assistant to the President of the United States, he...
It’s clear that U.S.-Russian relations are deteriorating. Not since the Cold War have both sides been instigating the other. Although President Trump...
Never trust anyone looking for fame. Nor should you trust the media The media loves to distort things, taking situations out of...