We’ve been warned about it for years, and it’s finally happening – liberals are trying to take your guns. Mind you, I...
The lib arguments for gun control are tedious, and I’m honestly tired of covering them. But this one still threw me for...
It’s a dangerous world out there, and we need to have our guard up constantly as a result. While it would be...
Liberals call conservatives racist. They think we’re idiots. They claim we don’t understand science. I honestly thought that maybe all liberals were...
The debate over gun control ratcheted up to unforeseen levels in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre. It wasn’t a subtle...
We all knew that the debate over gun control would ratchet up in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre, but that...
If there’s two things that liberals love to bash, it’s Christians and guns. So it’s fitting when Christians and guns stick with...
If there’s one thing libs hate to talk about, it’s the way that more conservatives save lives. Or the way that more...
Liberals don’t want to admit to one uncomfortable truth, but the numbers don’t lie – businessmen are smart, and usually smarter than...
Conservatives make things. Liberals take them. It’s the standard push-and-pull of all governments, in every civilization in history, and certainly in ours....