It seems like the last task of outgoing President Barack Obama is to undermine President-elect Trump. It’s true the two don’t like...
It’s amazing to see how wrong the left is, in almost every way. They had eight years of Obama. With all his...
Ready to be surprised? Barack Obama was honest yesterday. I know a first right? And what he admitted will leave your mouth...
In a few weeks, it will no longer be possible for cities to hide the drug dealers, felons, gang members, and social...
As much as elitist liberals like to brag about having advanced degrees or useless awards from clueless governments, they don’t have any...
Michelle Obama whined and complained like a crybaby on Friday, and the mainstream media tripped over themselves in lapdog salivation. If you...
The criminal code for convicts is pretty simple: cons gotta stick together. And Obama believes it. Ask anyone who has served time...
You know what conservatives really need to stop doing? Rioting in the streets, breaking other people’s property, and protesting democracy and law...
Obama is a danger to this country up until his last day in office. And including his last day in office. Be...
While Barack Obama is off giving himself medals, President-elect Trump is being a true leader. Proof of Trump’s leadership qualities need no...