For as long as they’ve existed, radical liberals have tried to destroy God. They’ve been quite unsuccessful. For obvious reasons. But the...
Despite the many advancements that have been made in society as a whole, we remain in the Stone Ages when it comes...
Ministers are supposed to take care of the souls in their congregation. And, when applicable, their bodies, too. Even if it pisses...
The horrifying mass shooting events in Las Vegas and Texas have reawakened the gun control debate in a big way. Unfortunately, that...
In a perfect world, folks that find themselves in disagreement over something pretty major would be able to sit down and rationally...
While those on the Left continually claim that anyone that doesn’t agree with what they have to say harbors extremist views, they...
It’s easy to forget one thing about police officers in this country, especially after eight long years of the Left’s ‘bash the...
As Democratic leaders and their pals in the press attempt to spin President Donald Trump’s tax overhaul plan into a negative, real...
I’ve often said that the best part of Donald Trump is his business chops – a business perspective is the one thing...
When libs started calling for the removal of Confederate statues, conservatives were cautious – after all, if we start removing statues of...