In the good old days, members of the press would report the facts of a particular story as they developed. Particularly complex...
Protests have become a preferred tool of the Left as they continue to wage their unwinnable war against common sense. Somewhere along...
Over the last year, the radical hate group known as Antifa has been wreaking havoc. Peaceful gatherings have erupted into violence. These...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! The mainstream media would have Americans believe that the KKK, White Supremacists, and Neo-Nazis...
Vote below! Let your voice be heard America! President Trump faced unrelenting criticism of his statements about the violence that occurred in...
Mitch McConnell is like a broken clock: sure, he doesn’t work properly, but he’s still right twice a day. The sad, underperforming...
President Donald Trump is working to make America great again. Yet there are many who resist him. From politicians to business owners,...
During the violent protests at Charlottesville, a young woman was killed by a motorist. The country was shocked to learn about Heather...
Libs across the country have rejoiced whenever Trump and Republicans in Congress start fighting one another. So it’s refreshing to see it...
The typical liberal lie is this: Immigration and Customs Enforcement, under Trump, is going after all the poor people in the US,...